Scott and I bought our first boat in 2017 and we still have the same personal floating devices (pfds). We decided we should test one of our pfds to see if they still work. We had no idea what to expect!

Scott was the brave one and walked into our pool to see if it would inflate. Since we had two, he also dissected the other one to see how it was put together. Be sure to tune into our latest video to see if it inflates and to see how the inner workings work.

This week’s blog is going to be short and sweet, as we want you to tune into the video. Next week we head to the Fort Lauderdale Int’l Boat Show, so tune in!
As always, thank you for following our journey! Please be sure to subscribe to our blog and our vlog – see link below. Follow us on social @BoatingJourney #BoatingJourney.
Cheers, Scott and Ally