Though 2020 packed a lot of punches, we’re still thankful this season for everything we experienced this year. While Scott and I are celebrating this Thanksgiving as a party of two, so are many others. When we owned our large house, we hosted Thanksgiving every year for up to 27 people and even after downsizing, we continued to share the holiday with my family. This year is different, thanks to the covid pandemic.

How can we be thankful this year? Well, considering the shutdown, we still had a fantastic year. Yes, our trip to the BVI’s was cancelled, but we were able to spend time on the water with family and friends all year long. Considering we sold the boat in July, we were very fortunate.
During the shutdown, we were still able to take the boat out and anchor for lunch.

Scott and I used the shutdown to get more projects done on the boat and work on the dinghy. While we may not have been able to visit marinas that were shut down, we were thankful to be able to spend quality time with family and friends on the boat at our marina.
Remember, when the gray whale swam down our fairway?

Making the best of it
Once the restrictions started to lift, we managed to visit a lot of places this past year. Though it was obvious things were different with the pandemic in place. Port Orchard was quiet, Camano was distanced and the crowds were few. My motto is, “you have to work with what you have and make it great”.

When we were in Port Orchard, our favorite restaurant has this sign outside of the restrooms. How ironic, right?

The beauty of the PNW
While we were stuck at home for most of the shut down, we also are thankful that we have such a great place to live with an awesome view.

Our last trip on the boat was a trip to Des Moines with my close friend Jen. We headed down for the day simply to get fuel. Not a bad day on the water.

With family and friends on Camano, there was never a shortage of time at the beach or on the water.
Our annual family photo for July 4th certainly had a different feel this year though.

No shortages of dogs either
Scott and I miss our two goldens, Mac and Maggie, everyday. So when I have the chance to love on one, I never miss a chance. This year, we were so lucky to have so many encounters. My favorite one, was getting a visit from Tiller, who I met a few years ago at our company rendezvous. She reminds me of Mac and I sometimes think he’s come back as Tiller.

The Journey is part of the Fun
Scott and I finally met one of our Instagram followers, Jeff from MV Why Knot, who lives on his 32′ Nordic Tug!

Looking for our next liveaboard, we traveled to Anacortes and were finally able to “getaway” for a weekend.
Wanting something longer, we decided to charter a yacht and cruise the San Juan Islands. It certainly wasn’t the trip we were expecting, but then it wouldn’t be a journey otherwise. Plus, we’re thankful we didn’t sink.
At the end of the day, we can honestly say we’re thankful for how everything turned out for us this year. It could have taken many different turns and we’re truly blessed on how the year unfolded. Take a moment this season to give thanks and appreciate what you have. It could be gone tomorrow.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families and thank you for following our journey. Follow us on social at @BoatingJourney and please subscribe to our YouTube channel (see our latest episode below)
Ally & Scott